well yesterday we came back from the mission trip. it was a great experience and i was really concentrating on my relationship with Christ. the Holy Spirit was deffinatly moving....i wanted to get so many distractions out of my life...mainly of which are the girls. i have tried so hard to give all of it to God, but it was so hard due to a certain girls' proximinty to me...she was on the mission trip but i realized that i was gonna let her do the first move and let her create a distraction for herself...of which she did...she was very mushy of which was nice (come on im a guy) but then again i didnt want to distract her from her own personal walk. the worst part of love is to know when to let go...as a friend of mine once said..
well i did work my butt off. i really was proud of my effort and that is not an everyday thing..i worked hard and did a good job...ruined a pair of jeans and my shoes in the process but i got the job done.i worked at a warehouse on friday that was really boring and i had to work for like a half an hour and i was done...we did have some sad news that day...Matt Flenner's grandpa died..we prayed for him a lot..it was a great thing to see the whole school come togather to help him out.
on saturday my group (tottens) stayed at the church...it was tough doing detail work on the upstairs, but i did a good job...it only needed another coat..but the guys who painted the wall didnt do that well...the girls re-did it...but i was satisfied with my detail work cause it took hours to do the door.
on sunday we went to Mrs. Pitt's brothers' church..it had a weird name but i thought the message was good and we got to taste wine of which everyone started coughing...and i sat across from the girls...(yay)..it was REALLY hot everywhere we went as a group but i enjoyed it all...so i was really happy..i worked hard...
i was totally amazed at how much Mr. Rice did...he is a monster at getting things done..he was on the roof...painting...moving things..and pretty much lead everything at the church..i was very suprised and was happy to see him give his all for Christ. he worked much harder than i ever could...i wish i could do that lol....
monday was an interesting day...i helped paint the nursery in the sancturary (and clean up a paint spill) and i also was cleaning an old and nasty mini-fridge...uhhh it was not a good site..but i did get a lot done in that time...i was done with everthing else and i had heard that the girls in the nursery (
she was in there) so i got a ladder and mini rollers that they needed...she was so grateful for holding the wobbley ladder...its not that big of a job...haha she was saying how much she appricates me...what a laugh..she made the first move...i was able to stay away...i was soo happy..its weird i kno....she was laughing at everyone of my stupid jokes...and she laugh the loudest too...i didnt kno what to do...the ball was in my court but w/e...i would rather it become a non-issue right now..i have too much going on...but she is a great girl..
well it might seem that i am very distracted but i actually got a lot out of this trip..i didnt do anything that would be called flirting or even nearly romantic...a lot of people did that though...i hated watching it in the back while i was trying to pray...so rude to me and God....this was time devoted to God...not just your girl-friend...ohh well its not my problem...oh yeah and Billy Spies (billster) was a beast and he worked his butt off along with Adam Stevely, Jake Howard, and Josh Mull just to name a few i was around...those guys are gung-ho for the Lord...High-fives to all!